.. _changes: Changes .............................................................................. 0.7.0: 2011-12-29 ================= - 0.7.0 relies on libspatialindex 1.7.1+. - int64_t's should be used for IDs instead of uint64_t (requires libspatialindex 1.7.1 C API changes) - Fix __version__ - More documentation at http://toblerity.github.com/rtree/ - Class documentation at http://toblerity.github.com/rtree/class.html - Tweaks for PyPy compatibility. Still not compatible yet, however. - Custom storage support by Mattias (requires libspatialindex 1.7.1) 0.6.0: 2010-04-13 ================= - 0.6.0 relies on libspatialindex 1.5.0+. - :py:meth:`~rtree.index.Index.intersection` and :py:meth:`~rtree.index.Index.nearest` methods return iterators over results instead of lists. - Number of results for :py:meth:`~rtree.index.Index.nearest` defaults to 1. - libsidx C library of 0.5.0 removed and included in libspatialindex - objects="raw" in :py:meth:`~rtree.index.Index.intersection` to return the object sent in (for speed). - :py:meth:`~rtree.index.Index.count` method to return the intersection count without the overhead of returning a list (thanks Leonard NorrgÄrd). - Improved bulk loading performance - Supposedly no memory leaks :) - Many other performance tweaks (see docs). - Bulk loader supports interleaved coordinates - Leaf queries. You can return the box and ids of the leaf nodes of the index. Useful for visualization, etc. - Many more docstrings, sphinx docs, etc 0.5.0: 2009-08-XX ================= 0.5.0 was a complete refactoring to use libsidx - a C API for libspatialindex. The code is now ctypes over libsidx, and a number of new features are now available as a result of this refactoring. * ability to store pickles within the index (clustered index) * ability to use custom extension names for disk-based indexes * ability to modify many index parameters at instantiation time * storage of point data reduced by a factor of 4 * bulk loading of indexes at instantiation time * ability to quickly return the bounds of the entire index * ability to return the bounds of index entries * much better windows support * libspatialindex 1.4.0 required. 0.4.3: 2009-06-05 ================= - Fix reference counting leak #181 0.4.2: 2009-05-25 ================= - Windows support 0.4.1: 2008-03-24 ================= - Eliminate uncounted references in add, delete, nearestNeighbor (#157). 0.4: 2008-01-24 =============== - Testing improvements. - Switch dependency to the single consolidated spatialindex library (1.3). 0.3: 26 November 2007 ===================== - Change to Python long integer identifiers (#126). - Allow deletion of objects from indexes. - Reraise index query errors as Python exceptions. - Improved persistence. 0.2: ================== - Link spatialindex system library. 0.1: 13 April 2007 ================== - Add disk storage option for indexes (#320). - Change license to LGPL. - Moved from Pleiades to GIS-Python repo. - Initial release.